Calf Pain While Running Which Disappears After Running-Specific Exercises


Sergey Stepanov

Sergey Stepanov

Instagram: @serg.ste

Good afternoon.

Why do I feel calf pain every time when I run but the pain disappears after running-specific exercises?


Кульков Олег Сергеевич

Kulkov Oleg

Master of Sports of International class in track and field athletics, winner of the Zurich marathon, participant of the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics, multiple European Cup and Russian championships medalist, coach of the school “I Love Running”


I think you mean so called periosteum (front part of a cannon-bone). It is a very common complaint among the runners. The nature of pain origin is different ranging from hard surface and bad shoes to a change of movement pattern (running technique).

To remove pain you can use compresses containing anti-inflammatory agents but the result is not always as expected. So, if the pain disappears after warming up, just consider the pain as inevitable costs of running training.

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