Heart Rate:120 bpm


Nikolay Pisarev

Nikolay Pisarev

Instagram: @pisarev_nikolay

Good afternoon.

How to keep a heart rate at 120 bpm during running? Maybe there is a kind of proper breathing technique? My pace is 5-6 min per km. My heart rate while running is not below 160-175 beats per minute.


Кульков Олег Сергеевич

Kulkov Oleg

Master of Sports of International class in track and field athletics, winner of the Zurich marathon, participant of the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics, multiple European Cup and Russian championships medalist, coach of the school “I Love Running”

Good afternoon.

Why did you decide that you needed 120 bpm heart rate?

If you want to reduce a heart rate you should decrease a running pace. I think a pace of 5-6 min per km is too high for you at this stage. I recommend you try to keep your heart rate at a level of 145-150 bpm. In this case you have a chance to see, over time, positive changes in terms of heart rate decrease. But if you run at a high heart rate systemically, positive dynamics is unlikely. 

In your case, breathing technique doesn't matter as running pace plays a decisive role.

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