Recovery of Muscles and Leg Bones after Load




Instagram: @denis_strelcov_y

Oleg Sergeevich, good afternoon.

I do kickboxing training three times a week but on other days I run 5 km (seldom 10 km).

My legs below the knee hurt badly, the bone aches and I feel muscle tingling. I don't want to give up training, what do you recommend to do for recovery?    

Thank you!


Кульков Олег Сергеевич

Kulkov Oleg

Master of Sports of International class in track and field athletics, winner of the Zurich marathon, participant of the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics, multiple European Cup and Russian championships medalist, coach of the school “I Love Running”

Greetings to you!

If the ache in the lower leg is not the result of injury during kickboxing training (kicks), we're likely dealing with a periosteum. All symptoms you described above confirm this assumption. It's a fairly common phenomenon (I mean inflammation of the periosteum) and often it takes much time to fight with it.

First of all you should pay attention to running shoes you wear. They should protect you leg. It means they should have thick outsole and be with maximum cushioning.

Avoid running on too rigid surfaces. Try to train on natural soft surfaces such as paths in parks, if possible.

Sometimes a consultation of qualified orthopedist followed by prescription of custom orthotics may be required.

If all preventive measures are taken but pain occurs, I recommend you to make compresses with anti-inflammatory agents (gels, ointments) and leave them overnight.  

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