Expert Answers (Questions & Answers)
Good afternoon.
I have the following question: how many days are required to recover after a marathon?
How long is it recommended not to train if you're an amatuer?
Could you tell about your marathon training plan? What was your weekly training volume? Did you use down weeks? For instance, 3 weeks of full training volume and 1 down week. How many kilometers did you run on Sundays and which exercises did you include in your trainig plan?
Thank you in advance.
Tendon injury, ligaments injury or ligament tension?
I trained on a conrete (25 km twice or three times a week) and after that I felt knee pain and my legs became numb from knees to feet. I felt a dragging pain in a week. It's been three months since then but the knee pain doesn't go away provided that there were no sharp pain, tumours, bruise, X-ray was clear. I'd taken a course of anti-inflammatory pills (glucosamin, collagen and chondroitin in complex).
What can it be?
I'm a novice runner. This year in May I ran 10 km (time was 1:10) and finished my first half-marathon in Sochi in 2:16. How to improve my results?
Good afternoon, Oleg.
My name is Eldar, I'm in Turkey now.
I started running a month and a half ago and I'm good at it: I run 10 km in 37 minutes.
I've registered for the Istanbul marathon for 10 km.
I run 10 km 2 times a day, in morning and evening. Should I limit the frequency and long of training before the soon start of the marathon?
Good afternoon.
I've been running for 3 months. Now, I run 5 km within a half an hour. What frequency is better for such trainings: daily or every second day?
Good afternoon.
I'd like to know your professional opinion about the nutrition during a marathon: what to take with you (gels, magnesium, energy drinks), how much and what's the order of taking?
Thank you in advance.
Good afternoon.
I run a little over half-year. Taking my fitness level and frequency of trainings into consideration I can say that I'm a novice, not even amateur runner.
Unfortunately, even during this short period I had injuries. A month ago I pulled ligaments of ankle joint in the result of failed landing (my leg slipped), it hurt for a long time. Now a new misfortune: a discomfort in the area of hip joint is felt for a couple of days.
These injuries are not so serious to consult a doctor, so I use ointment and do breaks in training. Now I more or less understand something about prevention but when injuries happens...Are there any working exercises or other rehabilitation methods that should be used but not after severe injuries?
Thank you!
Good afternoon.
I'd like to know should I do a warm-up before the start of competition and which exercises should be done?
Is it worth training a day before a competition or having a rest day?
Good afternoon.
Tell me, please, what running shoes I should choose to run a marathon?
Should a size of running shoes be more than a size of my regular shoes?
Good evening.
I'm old but I continue to participate in races around the Golden Ring! I sometimes win these races but, however, want to ask you the following:
- Should I take a rest day or two before the race?
- Is it advisable to do a speed workout the day before the race?
Thank you in advance!
Good afternoon.
How to gear up and how to run properly in winter?
How to train for 10 and 20 km running?
Good afternoon,
My height is about 2 meters. I know about recommendations on power trainings for tall people. Are there recommendations for such people if we say about long-distance running (half-marathon, marathon)?
Good afternoon.
How to keep a heart rate at 120 bpm during running? Maybe there is a kind of proper breathing technique? My pace is 5-6 min per km. My heart rate while running is not below 160-175 beats per minute.
Good afternoon.
I'm an amateur runner, not a professional but I'd like to run a half-marathon in spring. Please, tell me how many times a week I should train for?
Good afternoon.
Please, tell me about sports nutrition or vitamins that should be taken during training for a half-marathon (if needed) and nutrition during trainings and at the race: what and when to take?
Good afternoon.
- What is the lowest permissible temperature for winter running?
- How to breathe properly when running in the severe winter frost?
Good afternoon.
Please, advise me what running shoes I should choose for running on an indoor track (in a stadium). I don't run a lot on the asphalt so I need running shoes for running in a stadium.
Thank you.
Good afternoon.
How to return to training after the old Achilles tendon rapture? Four and a half months had passed 4.5 months after surgery.
Thank you.