Expert Answers (Questions & Answers)

Running Shoes and Insoles For Flat Feet

Good afternoon, Oleg Sergeevich.

I have longitudinal flat feet, II grade. Usually, the doctors, of course, think I'm crazy because I run with a flat feet. But I know many people with the same diagnosis who run like me and don't have any problems.

I have two questions:

  1. Should I buy special running shoes which are considered as shoes for runners with hyperpronation? My experience tells me that such running shoes don't differ significantly from ones for neutral pronation.
  2. Where can I order insoles which could be used instead of usual insoles of running shoes in order to reduce potential harmful impact of running with flat feet?

Thank you!

Frost and Respiratory System

I'd like to know how the frost affects on our respiratory system and how running in the cold will influence on my body. Of course, I'll continue to do runs but I want to understand.

Weight Loss and Running: Interval or Jogging?

Good afternoon.

Which type of running is more suitable for weight loss: interval or jogging? How often can I do interval run?

Running and Weight Loss

Good day.

I'd like to know could I use running as a weight loss tool? I'm 182 sm tall and my weight is 98 kg but my goal weight is 80 kg.

There is belief, for instance, that weight loss is not good for power exercises as muscles grow slowly in case of lack of calories even if you eat enough protein.

  1. How does weight loss impact on running? Is it possible to both lose your weight and at the same time improve your running results?
  2. Does weight loss affect my running speed? It's easier for a light runner to run than a heavy runner, isn't it? So, it turns out that a light runner will always run faster than a heavy one, provided they have the same fitness level. Am I right?

FYI: I started running two years ago but I'm running slowly, this may be due to my weight. I run 10 km in 1:05 or within an hour sometimes.

Morning vs Evening: What is the Best Time To Run?

Suppose it is very popular question you hear from a beginner.

I have time to run both in the morning and in the evening (I have flexible hours and I like to sleep). I can't run early in the morning because I feel like my body is still sleeping. If I run at my average pace, heart rate during running will be 165 beats per minute in the morning and 150-155 in the evening. So, I can conclude that my body is warmed up enough in the evening and "sleeps" in the morning. Is it true?

Thanks for your reply.

Sometimes There is No Desire to Train. I Don't Like Running-Specific Exercises

Good day.

What to do if sometimes I have no desire to train, I mean, for instance, according to the training plan there is an important training that you can't miss but you don't want to run at all.  I thought it would be easier with the passage of time, but I still have no desire. Should I force myself or should I miss such trainings?

And the second question. If I don't like running-specific exercises could I not do these exercises and do running exercises only? Will it be enough, if I'm going to continue running half-marathons without setting concrete time goals? I've already run more than 5 half marathons and it is no longer difficult distance for me. The result, however, is not so good: about 2.05 - 2.10. 

Thank you.

How to Breath Properly?

How to breath properly while running?

Thank you.

Nutrition During Marathon Training

Please, tell me about nutrition when training for a marathon?

What is better to eat during training for a marathon (breakfast, lunch, dinner)?

Are the sport supplements needed?

Anemia and Running. How to Increase Hemoglobin

Anemia and Running. How to Increase Hemoglobin?

First Marathon

Oleg Sergeevich, good afternoon.

I run half-marathons regularly, my personal record is 1:52:00.

I've finished running season and plan to return to running trainings in spring (in late March or in the beginning of April). I have several questions:

  1. What date should I choose for my first marathon's start considering that I plan to return to running trainings in March and let's assume that I'll start to train for a marathon since 1st April? I would like to prepare good, it doesn't mean quickly because my main goal is to run a marathon without injuries.
  2. Could you give me some recommendations on training plan: frequency of trainings per week, weekly running volume? How will the weekly running mileage change every month?
  3. What's number of speed trainings a week? How many long runs should I do?

Thank you.

Running on Snow or Running on an Indoor track? Winter Running Shoes

Good afternoon.

I'd like to get recommendations on winter running, especially when it is snowing.

  1. Is it advisable to run on snow?
  2. Which running shoes should I choose in order not to slip or sink into the snow?
  3. Maybe it is better to move to running on an indoor track or a treadmill in winter?
How to Protect Knees? Does It Make Sense to Use Knee Pads?

Good afternoon.

Could you tell me how to protect knees properly while running (sometimes, my knees hurt after running).

I see many runners wearing knee pads, do knee pads help?

Running Shoes For Sub-Zero Weather (Walking).

Good afternoon, Oleg Sergeevich.

Thank you so much for helping beginners.

I'd like to know which running shoes (or other shoes) are suitable for training (not running but walking at a brisk pace) in sub-zero weather? 

Two Weeks without Training: Heart Rate +10

A month ago I usually ran 10-15 km during trainings at average pace (5:10) with average heart rate (145 bpm).

Then I had two weeks break.

I returned to trainings and now I can maintain previous average pace with heart rate of 154 bpm.

How could it be that I lost my fitness shape or running technique so fast? I can't understand my body.

Consultant Advised to Buy Hoka Instead of Asics

I'm choosing running shoes for regular running but I have a problem - my knees and foot hurt sometimes. I was going to choose shoes from Asics models but the consultant advised me to buy Hoka running shoes. What do you think about this brand?

Old Partial Meniscal Tear

Good afternoon,

MR showed old partial meniscal tear.

Sharp pain occurred after running a 9 km and I had to complete my half-marathon distance by walking with broad strides or switching to a race walking in order not to feel the pain.

During a half year I had three attacks of pain. But there was no pain after short runs (7-10 km). Now I gave my knee a week to rest and recover.

What can you recommend? How to recover and return to the earlier level? I'll have to run another race and hope I won't damage the meniscus absolutely(((.

Winter Running Shoes

Do winter running shoes exist? Which ones to choose?

Calf Pain While Running Which Disappears After Running-Specific Exercises

Good afternoon.

Why do I feel calf pain every time when I run but the pain disappears after running-specific exercises?

Rest Day or Running the Day Before a Race?

Good afternoon.

If a teenager is going to run a biathlon on Saturday, should he train on Friday, the day before, or is it better to rest?

Exceeding Maximum Heart Rate

Is it possible to train exceeding your maximum heart rate? What excess is permissible and how long?